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Thank you for coming to my website. If you have been here before, thanks for returning. I have made some changes to the website. It now includes my 9/11 painting, Through The Night With The Light From Above. This was and still is a very personal painting to me; I shall never sell the original. But now for the first time ever high quality prints are available for the public to purchase at extraordinary inexpensive prices. Please contact me about prices and sizes.      In the coming months more paintings like this allegorical work will be available, please check back often so you don’t miss anything. 

I hope you enjoy my artwork.

I have always loved art and as child I wanted to be a cartoonist or animator, unfortunately I didn’t think I had the talent. It wasn’t until I enrolled at The Art Student’s League of New York that I discovered that drawing skills can be taught and learned if one has the patience to persist at it.

I love the art of the old masters such a Rubens, Rembrandt, and Franz Hals.

When one looks at painting by these masters, one not only sees a remarkable ability to draw and paint realistically, but also an incredible sense of design and style. To me a great painting has to have both these elements. Paintings by these masters and other great art create a very strong emotional connection for the viewer.

In my artwork I’m trying to make an emotional connection to the viewer. I try to use both design and drawing to make that connection. My paintings are not extraordinary detailed copies of life. I think that if great detail is desired, a photograph can do a better job. There is a risk that a painting that is too detailed will lose the other essential element of great art, design. On the other hand a painting that doesn’t have good drawing can be just design and cannot make an emotional connection. 

My favorite subjects are figures and portraits. The easiest way to make the emotional connection I’m trying for is by using people as subjects. After all, we all are human, and everyone can relate to other people. I hope that the viewer of my art can relate to subject. If my work is successful it conveys to the viewers some of the emotions I felt as I looked at my subject.

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